An Order of Worship based on the Lectionary for the 4th Sunday After Epiphany, Year C.
Jeremiah 1:4-10 | Psalm 71:1-6 | 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 | Luke 4:21-30 |

Before I formed you, I knew you.
Now that’s a Love beyond measure, beyond time and space, beyond understanding.
Amidst a Love like this, we take refuge;
From fear and shame, from the grasp of the unjust and cruel.
Feel this Love; learn it, know it, hold onto it, speak it to others.
For without Love, we are nothing: part of the full, half of a whole.
God tells us, “Love never ends.”
Fully known and face to face with a truth like this, let the praise of our God be continuous.
God who called us into being, be a refuge from this world and wrap us in the revelation of your Love. We could give away all that we own, understand the mysteries of the universe, move Mount Everest with our faith, yet without Love we are nothing but a gong, the clang of a noisy cymbal. Show us the depth of your Love so we may better know you. Build up your Love in us so we may plant it in others. Let nothing cloud the reflection of your great gift.
We know Love. Or at least we think we do. Love is patient, Love is kind. It is not envious, it does not boast and keeps no record of wrongs. We tuck these words in our hearts and try to Love as should, but the fullness of what Love really is, is hard to hold on to. When we’re angry, we cast it aside. When we’re hurt, we let it go. When we’re afraid, we throw it to the wind. Forgive us for not seeing your complete picture, Oh God of Love. Forgive us our anger when we keep record of wrongs, our fear when we lose sight of your truth, and let Love burn up our need to boast, or be rude, or have our own way.
… a Time of Silence …
God’s truth exists in the full. The fullness of a Love that bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things, and never ends! Settle into God’s agape Love. Feel it in your heart, hold it in your hand, breathe it into your lungs, and know you are forgiven. amen.
These gifts are a representation of our Love. We set them before you with hope for the future of our church, faith in the work of your hand in our community, and the Love of God more fully known in this world.
All things come to an end, but not Love. God is Love. And God calls us to go out into the world to share this gift with others. Have faith that we can conquer the things that hide Love from us. Embrace the hope of a life more fully lived in Love. Pass through the veil of earthly values and take refuge in God’s vision: faith, hope, and Love… but the greatest of these is Love. amen.
a video offering of these prayers
*Permission given to use this liturgy with the following credit: written by Abigail Velez and posted on the Good Tidings Blog