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All the People Gathered

Writer's picture: Mont Vernon ChurchMont Vernon Church

Updated: Jan 24

A Liturgical Order of Worship based on the Lectionary for January 26, 2025

Third Sunday After Epiphany (Year C)


Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10

Psalm 19

1 Corinthians 12:12-31a

Luke 4:14-21

image of a small bird perched within a bush of sticks with red winter berries in the background. The bird is looking right at the camera (photo by Abbie Velez)
image of a small bird perched within a bush of sticks with red winter berries in the background. The bird is looking right at the camera (photo by Abbie Velez)


All the people gathered to hear the word of the LORD. They rose up, lifted their hands, bowed their heads and proclaimed, ‘amen and amen’.

All the people gathered, men and women, young and old, to hear the word of the LORD. Before the Water Gate they gathered, searching for wisdom and knowledge, faith and healing, a whisper of truth, a full-on flood of forgiveness.

All the people gathered. They looked to the sky, a firmament proclaiming the wonder of Creation. Finer than gold and sweeter than honey, God’s promise is perfect, reviving the soul, rejoicing the heart. 

The heavens tell the glory of God with no need for speech or words or even a song. In the silence, day to day and night to night, God speaks a truth that we stand on, solid and firm.

And what is this truth? – We are one!

So… all of you gathered here today, ready to hear and understand a word from the LORD, know this: we are one body in Christ. And the body does not consist of one but of many.

All the people gathered, to hear the word of the LORD. Amen and amen.



Oh God, our rock and our redeemer, we stand on the solid ground of your unending love. A love that leads us towards unity with each other and with our creator. We cannot walk this path alone. In fact, you require us to learn and grow, and to rely on each other. Through the teaching of your word, a truth that vaults across skies, melting hate, scorching fear, warming hearts to faith, and with the help of your Spirit, let us gather this day to worship and leave here ready to do your work.


We are the body of Christ, and we are meant to share God’s love with everyone, but sometimes our parts don’t work together. Our hands lay idle, our feet stick to the ground, our minds spin in circles, and we fall apart. You call us back together again. You call us to be one. When we cannot be that one, the gifts you've poured out for us scatter: faith, wisdom, discernment, healing, teaching, service. Mercy! Forgive us our lack of understanding, Lord. Forgive us our apathy and lead us toward action, where we can be the hands and feet of your Church.

 … a Time of Silence …


Do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is our strength. Go, feast and drink and soak in God’s cleansing flood of forgiveness. Lift your hands, bow your heads, open your ears and hear God's word with understanding. And all the people said, amen and amen.


We have gathered our gifts, generous God, of time and effort, blessing and wealth. As you have given, so we then give. May our offering move through this church, our community, and out into the world as a beacon of God's love.


Good News! We have gathered, we have sung, we have prayed, and we have moved as one. Let our voices go out unto all the earth and to the ends of the world with these words: the joy of the Lord is our strength. With this joy in our hearts, the body wants nothing more than to act. So let us lift up our hands,  bow our heads, and say, “Amen and amen.”


A Video Offering of the Call to Worship


*Permission given to use this liturgy with the following credit: written by Abigail Velez and posted on the Good Tidings Blog

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